Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blessings of the Week - vol. 21


The Retreat. It began as an idea bandied about during our little getaway last April. My friend and I had a wonderful few days, and imagined bringing a group of women down to the Hermitages for a spiritually renewing weekend. After a few weeks of prayer, thought, and discussion, we locked in a date, got Father to join us to celebrate the Sacraments, and began planning. She took over the logistics. I focused on the spiritual side. Very quickly, the spaces were filled.

The time from last April to this weekend flew by, and here we are. Now. On the retreat. We've done all we can to make it work from our end. Now, it's in the hands of the Holy Spirit... very capable hands at that.

So, I pause this morning, in thanksgiving for the blessing of this experience: the planning, the discerning on my end, and hopefully the spiritual renewal on the part of the women. A blessing in all possible ways.


My mother's visit. We don't get to see my parents very often, living nearly 1,000 miles away from them. I miss them. At times, I'm saddened when I think about all memories my kids won't have with their grandparents. I was surprised and touched when my mom asked to be one of the retreatants during a phone call last May. And I am so very happy that she asked. And so very happy that she's here, that we get to share this experience together.

And so very blessed that she is sticking around for a few days next week, so the kids can enjoy time with Grammy.


My marriage. I have an awesome husband. Truly. While I am away on retreat, he's not only caring for our children, but also ensuring that I come home to a clean house, laundry done and put away. How do I know this? Because he encourages me to take time away regularly, and I always come home to a clean house and empty laundry baskets. As I said, I have an awesome husband.

But this week, especially, I want to pause to recall the blessing he is in my life. He has been incredibly supportive of my work on this retreat... even when it's taken time away from us, or left me distracted and short-tempered. He is encouraging me to take this opportunity to help me discern where and how I am called into ministry.

Next Wednesday is our 9th wedding anniversary, but we will be apart... for the first time ever on our anniversary. He has a business trip, a class to teach in Chicago. As the sole breadwinner for this family, his job must take priority. I will miss him terribly on September 16. And in the missing him, I will remind myself to pause and offer thanks for the blessing of a loving, supportive husband, for a solid marriage, for a best friend who still thrills me to my toes... nine years later.


Won't you join me in thanking Him for all the blessings in your life?

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