Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Miracle of the Mass

So, daily mass has become my routine in the past month or so. DH and I have worked it out so I can get to 6:30 mass about 4 days a week (and then I take the kids to 8:15 mass one morning a week). It's hard, most mornings, for me to get up at 6-ish, wash my face, get dressed and head out the door. But I am always filled with peace when I walk into the chapel a few minutes later. And I see the difference that sacrifice of my sleep time is making in my demeanor (most days).

Yesterday, I was privileged to get a second mass. I had my bleary-eyed 6:30am worship. But last night, my parish's current CRHP formation team was having an "instructional liturgy." Since I am giving a witness for them at the retreat next month, I was invited to attend. After the day I'd had, I really needed to go.

It was amazing. First of all, when I walked into the parish center, 7pm Tues mass was just ending, and I stood outside the chapel, reciting the Sacred Heart devotions with the worshippers. (Oh, how I miss that 7pm mass, which was my staple all last year, but doesn't fit it in with the kids' schedules this year!) Then, I had a few moments with Pastor just to chat a bit, and to give him my witness to review. Then, the hugs... oh the fellowship and community of that group of CRHP sisters. I was so welcomed! Finally, we all went into the chapel, and Pastor began describing how he would do the liturgy. I volunteered to serve. I love serving... another thing I miss about not going to 7pm mass anymore. In addition to serving, I was also the Eucharistic Minister of the Precious Blood. (WOW... so deeply humbling!)

But the thing that struck me last night, and again this morning with the kids in the All School Mass, was this: the absolute honor it is to be present for the miracle of the consecration. Just being present for the consecration is awesome enough... and then, to get to receive our Lord in the Eucharist! This morning, as Pastor raised the host and recited the words, I got teary. I realized that this was the third time in just over 24 hours that I was so privileged to witness this miracle, and I was so deeply humbled and awed. How... why does God love me so much?

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