Monday, August 3, 2009

On the Importance of Good Supplies

Right now, Princess is sitting on the bench in the play area section of the family room, reading a book to her friend. This is not just any book, but a book she wrote and illustrated herself this morning.

At the same time, BigBro is in the school room, diligently creating a book of his own...with detailed drawings and a storyline inspired by a book of story-starter cards I had bought a year or two ago (and which had been lost in the piles and mess somewhere along the line).

Did I mention that we are still on "summer vacation?"

Never underestimate what the kids will be able to create when the following conditions are met:

1) The school room is organized, allowing them easy access to art, craft, and writing supplies.

2) Their bookshelves are organized, allowing them easy access to story-starter books, notebook paper, and other pieces of inspiration.

3) I stay out of the way and avoid - at all costs - mentioning that what they are doing in any way constitutes school work.

Perhaps I'm not the only one in this family who is ready to get back to some more "formal" learning, after all.

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