Thursday, May 6, 2010

Returning to Normal

Our last houseguests left yesterday afternoon. Today, I am washing sheets, finally tackling the boys' closet/dressers, and vacuuming. I am reclaiming my space.

I love having houseguests. I love the "vacation" mentality of the past few days (particularly, the post-First Communion days). We've gone to the Botanical Garden, for a train ride, out for ice cream. It's been relaxed, fun, and family-centered.

And still... I am happy to be returning to normal, to our usual chaos and mess and busyness. Even, for a few more weeks, to school work.

So, dear friends out there in blogville, I will be back. I want to write about BigBro's First Holy Communion, and my birthday, and a bunch of other things. But, first, I need to get my physical space in order once more. Then, I'll work on my digital space.


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